Kubernetes Quickstart
This guide will walk you through setting up the Sumo Logic Kubernetes solution in easy steps. This will:
- Install the Sumo Logic Kubernetes Helm Chart in your Kubernetes environment
- Set up data collection for your Kubernetes environment (orchestration, infrastructure, and app data)
- Install the relevant app dashboards to view data from your Kubernetes environment, and share it with others in your org
- Install the necessary alert monitors to get alerted of any issues
As an alternative to this quickstart, you can use our Kubernetes Setup Quickstart Wizard, located at App Catalog > Kubernetes > Begin Integration.
Before you begin
- A Sumo Logic account (if you don't have one, sign up for a free trial)
- Your Sumo Logic Sumo Logic Access ID and Access Key
Supported versions
A list of supported platforms for the Sumo Logic Kubernetes solution can be found here.
Resource requirements
The Sumo Logic Kubernetes Helm Chart uses less than 1 CPU and less than 2 Gi memory deployed in default configuration in single-node Kubernetes environment where only the Sumo Logic Kubernetes Helm Chart is deployed. However, resource requests for components of the Sumo Logic Kubernetes Helm Chart are set to a higher level (about 7 CPU and 10 Gi memory). To deploy the Sumo Logic Kubernetes Helm Chart in the cluster with very limited resources, you need to modify default configuration and decrease resource requests and number of replicas. For example, to decrease resource requests and number of replicas for otelcol-metrics
, you'd need to add the following configuration to your values.yaml
replicaCount: 1
memory: 100Mi
cpu: 50m
Resource consumption depends on data traffic in your cluster. In clusters with huge data traffic, you will need to increase resource limits and/or increase number of replicas for components.
- Helm
- If this is your first time installing our helm chart, add the Sumo Logic Helm repo:
helm repo add sumologic https://sumologic.github.io/sumologic-kubernetes-collection
helm repo update - Get your Sumo Logic Access ID and Access Key and run the following command:
helm upgrade --install my-release sumologic/sumologic \
--namespace=my-namespace \
--create-namespace \
--set sumologic.accessId=SUMO_ACCESS_ID \
--set sumologic.accessKey=SUMO_ACCESS_KEY \
--set sumologic.clusterName=Kubernetes_cluster \
--set sumologic.collectorName=kubernetes \
# To opt out of out-of-box alerts, omit the below line
--set "sumologic.setup.monitors.notificationEmails={EMAIL ADDRESS}"
If you're adding additional configuration, we recommend using the helm values files, which should only contain properties you want to change from the default values.yaml to ensure upgrades behave properly.
- Get your Sumo Logic Access ID and Access Key and run the following command to generate the YAML:
kubectl run tools \
-i --quiet --rm \
--restart=Never \
--image sumologic/kubernetes-tools:2.9.0 -- \
template \
--name-template 'collection' \
--set sumologic.accessId='SUMO_ACCESS_ID' \
--set sumologic.accessKey='SUMO_ACCESS_KEY' \
--set sumologic.collectorName=kubernetes-2022-06-25T20:21:06.131Z \
# To opt out of out-of-box alerts, omit the below line
--set "sumologic.setup.monitors.notificationEmails={EMAIL ADDRESS}"
| tee sumologic.yaml - Install the required CRDs and apply the generated YAML:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/v0.43.2/example/prometheus-operator-crd/monitoring.coreos.com_probes.yaml \
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/v0.43.2/example/prometheus-operator-crd/monitoring.coreos.com_alertmanagers.yaml \
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/v0.43.2/example/prometheus-operator-crd/monitoring.coreos.com_prometheuses.yaml \
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/v0.43.2/example/prometheus-operator-crd/monitoring.coreos.com_prometheusrules.yaml \
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/v0.43.2/example/prometheus-operator-crd/monitoring.coreos.com_servicemonitors.yaml \
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/v0.43.2/example/prometheus-operator-crd/monitoring.coreos.com_podmonitors.yaml \
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/v0.43.2/example/prometheus-operator-crd/monitoring.coreos.com_thanosrulers.yaml \
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/v0.43.2/example/prometheus-operator-crd/monitoring.coreos.com_alertmanagerconfigs.yaml \
kubectl apply -f sumologic.yaml
Next Steps
Once you have completed the above steps, you'll have installed the collection, as well as the core Kubernetes Dashboards and alerts. To get started, open a new Explore tab in Sumo Logic and view your Kubernetes App Dashboards.
If you're not seeing data in Sumo Logic, you can review our troubleshooting guide.
You will have to install other K8s-related apps depending upon whether you want to monitor specific aspects of Kubernetes control plane provided by different cloud vendors. For more details, see Sumo Logic Kubernetes Apps.