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Cloud SOAR Overview

Why Cloud SOAR?

Cloud SOAR is a modern security operations technology platform that empowers MSSPs, SOCs, and security teams by providing collaborative and automated real-time incident management and threat response. Make quick and insightful decisions during security response with workflow automation.

All-in-one platform for minimizing the response time

  • Integrates disparate technologies focusing analysts on real threats
  • Makes the most of automation, orchestrating several tools in Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
  • Measures success and improves communication

Better collaboration

Cloud SOAR’s native orchestration capabilities boost the collaboration within the SOC team, ensuring efficient synergy during each phase of incident response.

Automation of the full incident lifecycle eases the burden on security analysts, while helping to successfully pinpoint real threats and coordinate an effective response across tools and team members.

Customizable reports

Quickly assemble highly customizable reports and dashboards to easily navigate and assess your security intelligence portfolio. Use relevant templates to capture workflow processes, job functions, and response timeframes, including critical indicators of compromise (IOC) and corrective actions taken. Use reports to create greater visibility for KPIs and make collective improvements across the SOC team.

Speed incident response

Cloud SOAR improves incident response time with flexible workflow automation across tools and teams. Machine learning distinguishes real threats from false positives to reduce alert fatigue.

Connect disparate tools

Cloud SOAR acts as the connective tissue between your existing tools to automate processes across the SOC and derive relevant insights throughout your security portfolio.

Close the skill gap

Automated workflow processes help analysts function at an optimal level and reduce the skills gap that exists from the lack of qualified cybersecurity professionals.

Comprehensive security portfolio

Cloud SOAR is part of Sumo Logic’s comprehensive security portfolio including security monitoring and analytics and Cloud SIEM, to help your organization modernize security operations.

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